Public Input Sought on Boat Launch Parking Lot Renovation Project

Draft 30% engineering of upland boat launch parking lot project.

In 2023, the Port of Grays Harbor was successful in receiving funding from the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office for design, engineering and permitting of upland boat launch parking improvements at Friends Landing.

The primary design components that were funded include addition of an upland accessible boarding ramp, paving a portion of the parking area for boat trailer parking to include ADA designated parking stalls, and a crosswalk from the parking lot to the boat launch.

The Port has completed a draft 30% design for the boat launch parking area and is seeking public input on the proposal. Please provide your comments or questions to by 5 p.m. on Friday October 11, 2024 for the Port’s consideration.

At this time the Port does not have funding for construction of this project, but would anticipate seeking future grant funding for this purpose.